When someone puts their Honolulu home for sale on the market, they need to view their home not as the home in which they raised their family, thus attaching a sentimental value to the home, but rather as a produce that they need to sell to a demographic. One of the most common ways for potential buyers to see a home is to host an open house. However, you, the seller, need to make sure that your home is ready to be seen, which means putting aside your feelings and doing the work to make it appeal more to the buyer.


For example, you need to remove things from your house that are considered personal preferences. What you like does not necessarily mean that a potential buyer will like the home. Thus, if you have rooms that are decorated with a wallpaper that is busy, you should consider painting the walls white to allow for potential buyers to see a clean slate. Many times when a buyer looks at a home they may see to much of the sellers personality in the decorations and feel as if it is just not the look for them. Though, the buyer should be seeing the possibilities within the home, nine times out of ten they will not.


Most people recommend that the seller is not there during the open house, simply because it puts the buyers in an awkward position. However, if you want to be there, remember that they are not coming to see you, they are coming to see the house. Thus, you should remove anything that could interfere with their viewing the house, such as pets. You should also consider removing the furniture from the house since it can once again interfere with what the buyer is seeing.


There are many other tips to help you with your open house. First, make sure that the house smells nice, however, this does not mean that you should attack the house with a bottle of perfume everywhere. A nice subtle scent such as a pot potpourri or a fragrant candle burning is a great way to get a homey feel to the house. In addition, make sure that all the lights are turned on and the windows are are open letting in the light so that the potential buyer can see every crack and crevice of the home. Above all else, make sure that the house and the landscape around the house is immaculate. A buyer is more likely to like a house if the house is clean simply because it shows great potential.