When you are considering moving to Diamond Head, or any other city in Hawaii, there are some things that you should now before you make the big move. One of the biggest things that you need to remember is that it is an island city and this means that it may be a little harder to get some of the items that you like and want. They usually come by Fedex which usually means that they will be more expensive and take some time to get there. For example, if it states overnight then that means it will take two days to get to you. Yes, there are stores, but they may not have what you want when you want or need.
Living in Diamond Head is like living in paradise, but they still have the normal problems like any other city. There is still traffic and crime although the crime rate is lower than any other city in the United States. You will still find rude people and you will still have the same problems you may have had in any other city in the United States.
As stated many times, housing is expensive no matter if you buy a small house or a condominium. The house may also be just a single wall with no studs and you may have a smaller yard than you are used to plus the dirt there is bright red, not brown. Even if you think it is going to be paradise living on an island surrounded by beaches you will find that after awhile you will be so used to them that it will not be as exciting to go to the beach every day. In addition, you do have to work and that usually means you have to go into an office, restaurant, factory, or wherever you work on a daily basis.
Living in Diamond Beach or anywhere in Hawaii you are going to find that it rains a lot, but not for a long period of times. It normally rains suddenly for about ten minutes at a time, then it is done and the sun comes out. Because of the humid salty air, things rust a lot and have to be replaced more often. Your car will be dirty most of the time, mold will grow in a couple of days on anything that is left wet anywhere and you will probably have to repaint your home every couple of years.
As you can see, it is nice to live in Diamond Head, but it is not always paradise.